Sunday, October 30, 2011

View Master

Are you old enough to remember View Masters?

The official Wikipedia definition is this:  View-Master is a device for viewing seven 3-D images (also called stereo images) on a paper disk. Although the View-Master is now considered a children's toy, it was originally marketed as a way for viewers to enjoy stereograms of colorful and picturesque tourist attractions.

Well, now that I'm older, this is MY kind of View Master:  this is called a View Master card.  I sent this to my niece and nephew for Halloween.  They can see 6 different images by turning the "wheel" on the side.  This was a really fun card to make.  I used a retired set for the images, but the set Spooky Bingo Bits would work great, or Jolly Bingo Bits for a Christmas View Master card.